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We are broadly interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field combining computing, design, art and the humanities. The field of creative technology encompasses art, digital product design, digital media or an advertising and media made with a software-based, electronic and/or data-driven engine. Examples of creative technology include multi-sensory experiences made using computer graphics, video production, digital music, digital cinematography, virtual reality, augmented reality, video editing, software engineering, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, CAD/CAM and wearable technology.


🔹 Members of the team may have the ability to both write computer code and build electronics for prototypes.

🔹We are are trying out new concepts and ideas, and modifying; this is recognized as similar to the artistic process but applied to media, advertising and other creative industries.

🔹We have been referred to as technology-focussed individuals who either sit within or work closely with the creative team, recognizing that siloed departments of technology and design have historically led to bad agency work.

🔹"You’re waving your hands in-front of a big screen and the designs and patterns mimic your movements; You walk into a company’s lobby and a digital wall displays a beautiful, abstract visualization based on the company's sales data"

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